jerry_lake: Too much to swallow
jerry_lake: Excercise time
jerry_lake: Where is the bread mate
jerry_lake: Pigeon mid flight
jerry_lake: Two is company
jerry_lake: Bun fight
jerry_lake: Then there were three
jerry_lake: Itchy front
jerry_lake: Over the cliff
jerry_lake: Feeding time for seven little ones
jerry_lake: New family on the block
jerry_lake: Swans investigate
jerry_lake: Swan speads its wings
jerry_lake: Swan closeup
jerry_lake: Camouflage Egyptian style
jerry_lake: Common Terns
jerry_lake: Canada Geese family
jerry_lake: Formation ducks
jerry_lake: Then there were four now none..
jerry_lake: Swans in the red
jerry_lake: Golden swan
jerry_lake: Then there were three
jerry_lake: Mum and Dad plus 7
jerry_lake: Baldness
jerry_lake: Platinum Coot
jerry_lake: Er what you expect us to eat that?
jerry_lake: The path to food
jerry_lake: The path to food handout
jerry_lake: It is cold mum
jerry_lake: Proud mother