jerry.gladstone: Lichens above the sea 1 (See all 10 in album Lichens and Fungi)
jerry.gladstone: Lichens above the sea 5 (See all 10 in album Lichens and Fungi)
jerry.gladstone: Lichens above the sea 3 (See all 10 in album Lichens and Fungi)
jerry.gladstone: Lichens above the sea 10 (See all 10 in album Lichens and Fungi)
jerry.gladstone: Lichens above the sea 4 (See all 10 in album Lichens and Fungi)
jerry.gladstone: Lichens above the sea 7 (See all 10 in album Lichens and Fungi)
jerry.gladstone: Lichens above the sea 8 (See all 10 in album Lichens and Fungi)
jerry.gladstone: Lichens above the sea 9 (See all 10 in album Lichens and Fungi)
jerry.gladstone: Lichens above the sea 2 (See all 10 in album Lichens and Fungi)
jerry.gladstone: Lichens above the sea 6 (See all 10 in album Lichens and Fungi)
jerry.gladstone: One more Lichen above the sea
jerry.gladstone: Fungus, with Algae? #1
jerry.gladstone: Fungus, with Algae? #2
jerry.gladstone: Lichens, up close
jerry.gladstone: Solitary Fungus
jerry.gladstone: Up Against the Bark
jerry.gladstone: Another December Fungus
jerry.gladstone: December Fungus
jerry.gladstone: Framed by Granite
jerry.gladstone: Slow Return to Soil
jerry.gladstone: Fungus Among Us
jerry.gladstone: American Beech 2
jerry.gladstone: American Beech 1
jerry.gladstone: Shaggy inkcap (Coprinus comatus) on a lawn
jerry.gladstone: On the Wall
jerry.gladstone: Saprophytes
jerry.gladstone: Leaves, Lichen, Moss, Stone
jerry.gladstone: Stump and Shrooms 1
jerry.gladstone: Stump and Shrooms 2
jerry.gladstone: Lichens 1