jeromestarkey: OMID4-0625
jeromestarkey: OMID4-0626
jeromestarkey: Circling the wagons in Afghanistan. Operation OMID 4-0931
jeromestarkey: OMID4-0938
jeromestarkey: OMID4-0939
jeromestarkey: Mine sweeper OMID4-0994
jeromestarkey: OMID4-0652
jeromestarkey: OMID4-0645
jeromestarkey: OMID4-0286
jeromestarkey: OMID4-1014
jeromestarkey: Under fire, in Helmand OMID4-1247
jeromestarkey: Under fire in Helmand OMID4-1251
jeromestarkey: Under fire in Helmand OMID4-1257
jeromestarkey: Contat OMID4-1259
jeromestarkey: OMID4-1262
jeromestarkey: OMID4-1267
jeromestarkey: OMID4-1311
jeromestarkey: IED strike OMID4-1346
jeromestarkey: IED strike OMID4-1347
jeromestarkey: Dawn patrol, Helmand OMID4-0780
jeromestarkey: Helmand foot patrol OMID4-0846
jeromestarkey: Captain Chris Lambe
jeromestarkey: OMID4-0914
jeromestarkey: Mine clearers OMID4-0957
jeromestarkey: Mine clearance OMID4-0984
jeromestarkey: Drone launch OMID4-1016
jeromestarkey: British army captain in Helmand
jeromestarkey: IED controlled explosion OMID4-1136
jeromestarkey: The late Major Matt Collins, KIA
jeromestarkey: OMID4-0509