bousinka: Apotheke sign in Over-the-Rhine
bousinka: Sam Caldwell & Go. faded sign
bousinka: Kay Furniture Warehouse, West End
bousinka: Barq's Famous Olde Tyme Root Beer (faded sign in the West End, Cincinnati)
bousinka: Yet another cool painted ad in Atlanta
bousinka: Coca-Cola everywhere! (Atlanta)
bousinka: Java Jive painted wall (Atlanta)
bousinka: One of the coolest painted walls I've ever seen (Atlanta)
bousinka: My first attempt at making art!
bousinka: Painted sign with Metal Blast Building in the background
bousinka: Another Over-the-Rhine ghost sign (near Findlay Market)
bousinka: Another Over-the-Rhine ghost sign (near Findlay Market)
bousinka: Say?
bousinka: Graffiti in Northside
bousinka: Ghost sign in the Northside neighborhood
bousinka: Old company sign near Lockerbie Square, Indianapolis
bousinka: My favorite faded sign (Mass Avenue, Indianapolis)
bousinka: My favorite faded sign (Mass Avenue, Indianapolis)
bousinka: My favorite faded sign (Mass Avenue, Indianapolis)
bousinka: ghost sign on Wells Street, Old Town East (Chicago)
bousinka: Ghost sign on State Street in the Loop
bousinka: Cincinnati - Ghost sign collage
bousinka: Painted wall on 2455 West McMicken
bousinka: Reliance Art Metal Company building (McMicken & Freeman)
bousinka: Buckeye Saw & Tool sign on McMicken & Freeman
bousinka: Butter Krust sign on McMicken & Vine
bousinka: Apex Furniture Manufacturing Company sign on McMicken
bousinka: Schmidt Company sign on Livingston (near Central)
bousinka: Hard Oil Finish sign on Livingston & Central
bousinka: Hard Oil Finish sign on Livingston & Central