Jerome Chi: A little helper
Jerome Chi: The donut ring
Jerome Chi: Always find some of interesting things even only 5 min of the way home....
Jerome Chi: playing
Jerome Chi: Let's play the ball...
Jerome Chi: Now is going to the bottom of the ninth, two outs, two good and three bad balls so far... however this game is just beginning by now!!! 九局下半, 兩人出局, 兩好三壞之後... 比賽才算剛開始!!! .
Jerome Chi: I caught u, Roy!!!
Jerome Chi: what a warm sunshine I have...
Jerome Chi: a wonderful afternoon...
Jerome Chi: Yellow ball
Jerome Chi: not alone
Jerome Chi: The window of time and memory...
Jerome Chi: Where is my little bee?
Jerome Chi: I wanna fly~~~
Jerome Chi: To be full of curiosity.
Jerome Chi: A lucky date when we met a giraffe on the blue sky.
Jerome Chi: Two little back
Jerome Chi: Ready to go abroad!!!
Jerome Chi: The air train
Jerome Chi: Rolling
Jerome Chi: it's my 1st baggage in the life
Jerome Chi: The dream from the wall.
Jerome Chi: A pink baggage that two kids love it!
Jerome Chi: waiting for a lovely bus ....
Jerome Chi: we always keep a pleasant mood even this way seems very far away...