Jeroen Tiggelman: "Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye." - Helen Keller
Jeroen Tiggelman: “The very essence of romance is uncertainty.” ― Oscar Wilde
Jeroen Tiggelman: She's made the final selection of Belgium Top Model!
Jeroen Tiggelman: Life consists of thoughts. The better your thoughts, the more beautiful your life will be.
Jeroen Tiggelman: Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it's inspiring!
Jeroen Tiggelman: « Garde tes émotions pour les choses qui les méritent. »
Jeroen Tiggelman: Les Italiens gagnent sur un autre domaine...
Jeroen Tiggelman: La beauté est dans l'âme de celui qui regarde - Rosa Candida