Michael R. Allen: Fire Station near the Steel Bridge
Michael R. Allen: Republic Cafe
Michael R. Allen: Roadside Fennel
Michael R. Allen: Portland
Michael R. Allen: Vacant Lot
Michael R. Allen: Colorful Row
Michael R. Allen: Quonset
Michael R. Allen: Aladdin
Michael R. Allen: Storefront Addition
Michael R. Allen: Fire Apparatus
Michael R. Allen: Shleifer Furniture
Michael R. Allen: Towne Storage
Michael R. Allen: Poster Detail
Michael R. Allen: Union Station
Michael R. Allen: Union Station Waiting Room
Michael R. Allen: RJ Needs Menus
Michael R. Allen: Moral Imperative
Michael R. Allen: Wall of Dwellings
Michael R. Allen: Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Michael R. Allen: Parking Garage Book Mural
Michael R. Allen: Terra Cotta Entrance Surround, Shattuck Hall
Michael R. Allen: Gilbert Building
Michael R. Allen: Gilbert Building
Michael R. Allen: Vacant Lot Downtown
Michael R. Allen: Hotel Fifty
Michael R. Allen: Yamhill
Michael R. Allen: Cast Iron
Michael R. Allen: City Hall and the Portland Building