Michael R. Allen: Back Wall Done
Michael R. Allen: Looking Northwest from the Roof
Michael R. Allen: Flat Roofs
Michael R. Allen: Leaning Chimney
Michael R. Allen: Ground Out
Michael R. Allen: Back Yard Last Year
Michael R. Allen: Back Yard Last Year
Michael R. Allen: Back Yard This Year
Michael R. Allen: Front Getting Pointed
Michael R. Allen: Fresh Pointing
Michael R. Allen: Patio, Nearly Done
Michael R. Allen: Patio, Excavation Complete
Michael R. Allen: Green Chair
Michael R. Allen: White Roof
Michael R. Allen: At Last, A Completed Patio
Michael R. Allen: Mimosa in Bloom
Michael R. Allen: Mimosa Tree
Michael R. Allen: Reel Kitties
Michael R. Allen: Projector
Michael R. Allen: Charlie Gets Ready for the Holidays
Michael R. Allen: Winter Yard
Michael R. Allen: It snowed!
Michael R. Allen: Lynn on the Scaffold