Jeremy Smith Photography: Stonefish, Red Sea
Jeremy Smith Photography: Propeller of The Tile Wreck, Red Sea
Jeremy Smith Photography: Gorgonian fans, Little Brother, Red Sea
Jeremy Smith Photography: Jellyfish, Elphinstone, Red Sea
Jeremy Smith Photography: I miss the days of crappy autofocus hahaha (Explored)
Jeremy Smith Photography: Eurasian Reed Warbler, rspb Fowlmere, UK
Jeremy Smith Photography: Western Marsh Harrier Juvenile (Explored) with Meadow Pipit as prey. rspb Fowlmere, UK
Jeremy Smith Photography: Peregrine Falcon (Juvenile), Falco peregrinus, Cambridge, UK
Jeremy Smith Photography: Greylag goose on the wing
Jeremy Smith Photography: Eurasian Reed Warbler, rspb Fowlmere
Jeremy Smith Photography: Skylark in full sun with dark backdrop
Jeremy Smith Photography: Muntjac Deer, rspb Fowlmere, UK
Jeremy Smith Photography: Common Kestrel, rspb Fowlmere, UK
Jeremy Smith Photography: Western Marsh Harrier food exchange
Jeremy Smith Photography: Swift (Explored), Apus apus with a full crop of insects. Dernford Reservoir, Stapleford, UK
Jeremy Smith Photography: Great White Egret, rspb Minsmere
Jeremy Smith Photography: Stonechat, rspb Minsmere
Jeremy Smith Photography: Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus, Cambridge, UK
Jeremy Smith Photography: Northern Shoveler, Spatula clypeata, Minsmere
Jeremy Smith Photography: Greylag Goose, Lakenheath, May 2023
Jeremy Smith Photography: Great Spotted Woodpecker, Lackford Lakes, Suffolk, UK
Jeremy Smith Photography: Pheasant hen, Lackford Lakes, Suffolk, UK
Jeremy Smith Photography: Marsh Harrier, rspb Minsmere
Jeremy Smith Photography: Stoat, rspb Minsmere
Jeremy Smith Photography: Greylag Gosling, rspb Minsmere
Jeremy Smith Photography: Bittern & Marsh Harrier, rspb Minsmere
Jeremy Smith Photography: Nuthatch, Sitta europaea, Lackford Lakes, Suffolk, UK
Jeremy Smith Photography: Garganey, rspb Minsmere, May 23
Jeremy Smith Photography: Purple Heron, Ardea purpurea, rspb Minsmere, Suffolk, UK
Jeremy Smith Photography: I'm just trying this "sitting on eggs" palava. Just for a laugh!