Jeremy Johnstone: Connie showing off her googly eyed old lady
Jeremy Johnstone: Butterfly in creation
Jeremy Johnstone: Cutting out animals from the felt
Jeremy Johnstone: Wouldn't be Y! without some purple
Jeremy Johnstone: This old lady looks more like a pilgram
Jeremy Johnstone: YEF t-shirts
Jeremy Johnstone: Black sheep in construction
Jeremy Johnstone: More animals being made
Jeremy Johnstone: The blue horse is riding away
Jeremy Johnstone: Hard at work cutting away at the fabric
Jeremy Johnstone: Amazing all the storyboard pieces we made
Jeremy Johnstone: Lots of fruit and snacks
Jeremy Johnstone: Making strawberries and other fruits
Jeremy Johnstone: Farah leveraging a pattern
Jeremy Johnstone: Tracing out the shape for another storyboard piece
Jeremy Johnstone: Goldfish coming to life
Jeremy Johnstone: Cutting out a white puppy
Jeremy Johnstone: Connie mimicking her frog
Jeremy Johnstone: My table showing off our creations
Jeremy Johnstone: Group photo
Jeremy Johnstone: Closeup of my table's work #1
Jeremy Johnstone: Closeup of my table's work #2 (all but the spider up top)