Jeremy Johnstone: Scott Schiller
Jeremy Johnstone: Crowd Overview
Jeremy Johnstone: Terry & Andrew flirting w/ the hostess
Jeremy Johnstone: Getting friendly with the hostess
Jeremy Johnstone: Terry, Cindy, Jesse, Sandy, Andrew
Jeremy Johnstone: Me, Jesse, Cindy, and Sandy
Jeremy Johnstone: Geek Sessions rule, so why aren't you there again?
Jeremy Johnstone: Double Fisting Action
Jeremy Johnstone: Wasn't me, I swear
Jeremy Johnstone: Ok, so who stuck these on my ass?
Jeremy Johnstone: Stick them on me, I'll see about that.
Jeremy Johnstone: Man, that's cold, giving them the finger Terry?
Jeremy Johnstone: Girl power!
Jeremy Johnstone: They all are looking a bit drunk at this point.
Jeremy Johnstone: Attitude pose
Jeremy Johnstone: Still with the pointing action
Jeremy Johnstone: Showing off the ability to shoot in low light without flash
Jeremy Johnstone: WTF! Terry w/ a Ruby on Rails dev?
Jeremy Johnstone: Even more pointing action
Jeremy Johnstone: iPhone anyone?
Jeremy Johnstone: Is he ever not surrounded in women?
Jeremy Johnstone: Diana & I
Jeremy Johnstone: I love the motion blur of the background
Jeremy Johnstone: Less dramatic effect in this one
Jeremy Johnstone: Deciding where to eat
Jeremy Johnstone: Eating hot dogs at a bar