Jeremy Johnstone: M&M's a coworker and I had made
Jeremy Johnstone: Tchotke Row
Jeremy Johnstone: Stuff behind my 24" monitor hanging from the cube wall
Jeremy Johnstone: Badges from various things I have attended since joining Y!
Jeremy Johnstone: More badges + Yahoo! matchbox car
Jeremy Johnstone: Yahoo! super recruiter
Jeremy Johnstone: Hack day shirt and one of my many Yahoo! bags
Jeremy Johnstone: Dilbert comic
Jeremy Johnstone: Another Dilbert comic
Jeremy Johnstone: My laptop (MBP) connected to my 24" monitor
Jeremy Johnstone: Another shot of the shelf above my monitors
Jeremy Johnstone: Shot towards the back corner of my cube from the doorway
Jeremy Johnstone: Beach chair, Maker's Faire Segway sign, and other miscellaneous stuff
Jeremy Johnstone: Pano - IMG_9050 - 3393x4256 - SLIL - Blended Layer
Jeremy Johnstone: Pano - IMG_9046 - 3503x5076 - SLIL - Blended Layer (Q10)
Jeremy Johnstone: Pano - IMG_9073 - 8937x1810 - SLIL - Blended Layer (Q10)
Jeremy Johnstone: Pano - IMG_9082 - 3363x6219 - SLIL - Blended Layer (Q10)
Jeremy Johnstone: Image(579)
Jeremy Johnstone: Image(578)