Jeremy Gregory: Dippin' Sauce practicing the hook on his new ballad "Wet Love Seat"... #candyteethcreative #stopmotionpuppet #MCDippinSauce #rappin
Jeremy Gregory: Dippin Sauce #mcdippinsauce
Jeremy Gregory: Dippin' Sauce Layin' down the velvet in the studio baby! #candyteethcreative #recordingstudio #cityofdestiny #qthemusicentertainment
Jeremy Gregory: Dippin' Sauce explained his concept to Q from Q the Music Entertainment! Q was not impressed with the content, but he is a businessman, and he can make almost anything sound good, so they went to work #qthemusicentertainment #candyteethcreative #recordin
Jeremy Gregory: M.C. Dippin' Sauce opened his mind before he headed over to Q Studios and recorded his latest slimy single called "Hump the Air Like a Dog"! #theBelievables #mcdippinsauce #rapper #cityofdestiny #inthestudio #preparations #blunt #420
Jeremy Gregory: ...don't think for a second that Dippin' Sauce can belt out a few velvety old school tunes besides his dirty raps... #MCdippinsauce #stopmotionpuppet #candyteethcreativebehindthescenes #process #cityofdestiny #tacoma #rappin #singin
Jeremy Gregory: Dippin' Sauce on the operating table... #cityofdestiny #thebelievables #mcdippinsauce
Jeremy Gregory: Dippin Sauce is coming right along...#MCdippinsauce #thebelievables #cityofdestiny #
Jeremy Gregory: "Dippin' Sauce" the rapper is on his way!!! I'm very excited to get him ready for the show coming up at the hive! #staytuned #candyteethcreative #stopmotionpuppet #cityofdestiny
Jeremy Gregory: And here he is in all his glory... DIPPIN' SAUCE! Next step is the transformation into a stop motion puppet, and writing his first album! #stay tuned #candyteethcreative #candyteethcreativesketch #Dune #seattleart #tacomaunderground
Jeremy Gregory: Tonight I went to the #Dune drawing group in Seattle. I brought my rough sketches of my newest character, "Dippin' Sauce"... #candyteethcreativesketch #candyteethcreative
Jeremy Gregory: "OOOOOOHOOOEEEEE !!!" #MCDippinSauce is stoked for the show next week! #artistmythos2017 #cityofdestiny #candyteethcreative #stopmotionpuppet