Jeremy Bell: IMG_7636
Jeremy Bell: IMG_6647
Jeremy Bell: Thru the, umm, looking glass
Jeremy Bell: You'd think this was staged
Jeremy Bell: Oh, hello there.
Jeremy Bell: IMG_6628
Jeremy Bell: IMG_7632
Jeremy Bell: IMG_7559
Jeremy Bell: IMG_7612
Jeremy Bell: IMG_7618
Jeremy Bell: 2 minutes old
Jeremy Bell: Bustin' out of the hospital
Jeremy Bell: Happy on the couch
Jeremy Bell: If only the Leafs could win
Jeremy Bell: At the doctor
Jeremy Bell: With Nanny
Jeremy Bell: With Poppa
Jeremy Bell: My first bath... and I feel asleep
Jeremy Bell: Enjoying my first bath
Jeremy Bell: Asleep on dad
Jeremy Bell: I look so small in this photo
Jeremy Bell: Comfy in the Momma Kangaroo
Jeremy Bell: Sometimes I wish I had a chin
Jeremy Bell: Oh Hai!
Jeremy Bell: Hanging in the crib
Jeremy Bell: Someone needs his nails cut. Again.
Jeremy Bell: In Jon's arms
Jeremy Bell: Asleep on mommy
Jeremy Bell: Getting used to tummy time
Jeremy Bell: Resting on mommy's shoulder