jenzug: All the lattice was blown down and shredded in the wind.
jenzug: The neighbor's 2nd story window was blown out.
jenzug: IMG_4674
jenzug: IMG_4675
jenzug: IMG_4676
jenzug: IMG_4677
jenzug: Everything blown to one end of the back deck
jenzug: IMG_4679
jenzug: IMG_4680
jenzug: What's left of the shed (with the lawn mower still standing!)
jenzug: IMG_4682
jenzug: IMG_4683
jenzug: IMG_4684
jenzug: The neighbor's canopy
jenzug: IMG_4686
jenzug: IMG_4687
jenzug: IMG_4688
jenzug: The still-intact lock broke from the shed.