Jenny Jens: got a spot after lining up for parking; robert checking his instruments
Jenny Jens: leaving the crowds behind :)
Jenny Jens: the point at which we left the crowds
Jenny Jens: the first obstacle we encountered
Jenny Jens: initial view of the elevator shaft (or about 300' of it)
Jenny Jens: robert smiling about the mossy cushions or cushiony moss
Jenny Jens: my trusty keens
Jenny Jens: couldn't really find any switchbacks on this part
Jenny Jens: robert claims the slope angle is 45-degrees
Jenny Jens: leaving behind both the crowds and I-84 traffic
Jenny Jens: robert favors a wide grip
Jenny Jens: robert said the rounded leaves indicate that those leaves could have been poison oak. but most likely not.
Jenny Jens: gave the found bandana a purpose. will it be there next time?
Jenny Jens: so lush
Jenny Jens: up and over these
Jenny Jens: view of post-part deux
Jenny Jens: trail!
Jenny Jens: peering over at a recent rock/landslide
Jenny Jens: not long before he declared himself with much aplomb, "shaftmaster"
Jenny Jens: entering the forest