pi c's: 4 generations 7.26.05
pi c's: amanda
pi c's: she eats her beans one at a time
pi c's: 2 baby girls
pi c's: chad and lexy
pi c's: early 1950s
pi c's: Close your eyes and scrunchy nose....
pi c's: 3 generations of hands
pi c's: Seth for Hugo Boss 1
pi c's: Seth for Hugo Boss 2
pi c's: Me & My "other" dad!
pi c's: Aimee
pi c's: Deanna & Chad
pi c's: Amanda
pi c's: Danielle & Steven
pi c's: Aw, please don't....
pi c's: Crazy pop-pop....
pi c's: Amanda & Me
pi c's: Remembering Jack
pi c's: Ready, Set, GO!!!
pi c's: Fri-DAY 258: Mourning
pi c's: SMAF family portrait by SSP