Vettha: ...and thus was born the Goddess of Frogs & Giraffes....
Vettha: 'I dunno why she's so pink... maybe she's the Goddess of Blushes....'
Vettha: Illustrating our poem.
Vettha: Chey's Goddess creates the stars with her toes...
Vettha: Dakota Bear
Vettha: Has snack
Vettha: Smiley Boy
Vettha: Transcribing the poem.
Vettha: Oh, for a real horse...
Vettha: Will I still be expecting her 2 year old self to come barreling around a corner at me when she's 50?
Vettha: Big kids on swings.
Vettha: exploring the ranch
Vettha: Kid Glee
Vettha: Chey's eyes.
Vettha: :)
Vettha: Kids with Kid.
Vettha: Kids getting a kid.
Vettha: Goats of various ages.
Vettha: "OMG JEN the baby goat IS THIS BIG!!!"
Vettha: 'Oh yeah. We like bunnies.'
Vettha: 'Oh noes! Bunnies!'