Vettha: Quintana is LESS than pleased.
Vettha: Oh, dear.
Vettha: Don't touch me with THAT!
Vettha: Spot the dildo.
Vettha: Looking for the culprit...
Vettha: So.... it STILL doesn't work??
Vettha: Party goers.
Vettha: Happy snacking!
Vettha: Longhairs, gathered together for your convenience.
Vettha: Peaceful belly.
Vettha: Mischievous belly.
Vettha: Grinning belly.
Vettha: Pondering the whims of the technology gods...
Vettha: Pregnant lady and Musician.
Vettha: Rockin' it.
Vettha: Rockin' it Redux.
Vettha: Mid-rant.
Vettha: Spiffy keen tree.
Vettha: Spiffy keen tree.
Vettha: Spiffy keen tree.
Vettha: Lord King of the Ugly Sweater Party.
Vettha: Ugly sweater collage.
Vettha: Girl in ugly sweater.
Vettha: Inappropriate touching.
Vettha: My "le frou frou" skirt.
Vettha: She disapproves...
Vettha: Corey
Vettha: The band, in action.
Vettha: Kicked back in my ugly sweater