Vettha: She really liked that hat, Gran
Vettha: Yay! Candles out!
Vettha: ".....toooooooo yyyyoooooouuuuuu...."
Vettha: Playing with fire
Vettha: Prepping the cake
Vettha: Sweet boy
Vettha: Dakota
Vettha: I can drive to your house.
Vettha: I just work here.
Vettha: OOOooooh!
Vettha: Well, that didn't take long...
Vettha: Men Folk
Vettha: My dad, stepmom and my two sisters (step/inlaw/wtfever)
Vettha: Dusty Rose Silhouette
Vettha: my daddy
Vettha: Karen collecting Sam's bday money
Vettha: We're very funny people
Vettha: talkin'
Vettha: Puck has never needed to be told to be mischievous...
Vettha: We win...
Vettha: Jessa by dusklight...
Vettha: Dusty is hardcore sometimes
Vettha: This one reminds me of a picture of Zoe from back in college...
Vettha: Guarding
Vettha: :) My favorite
Vettha: Now for a real smile
Vettha: Funny faces
Vettha: Expressing something
Vettha: HIGH KICK!!
Vettha: Cheeeeese!