jenster1979: The future?
jenster1979: IMG_3946fcropped
jenster1979: Lawrence and the Viking turd
jenster1979: 'Dig site'
jenster1979: 'Dig site'
jenster1979: More about the Viking turd
jenster1979: Sorting through finds
jenster1979: Archaeology themed toilet seat!
jenster1979: View from the church window
jenster1979: Trowels
jenster1979: Worn window frame
jenster1979: Swinegate
jenster1979: York Minster
jenster1979: IMG_3962f
jenster1979: York Minster
jenster1979: City gateway
jenster1979: City gateway
jenster1979: Retrace York
jenster1979: York Minster
jenster1979: York street
jenster1979: Strawberries and cream
jenster1979: Stonework
jenster1979: Architecture
jenster1979: Fancy Clock
jenster1979: If it lived up to the billing, there would be a queue...
jenster1979: Across the river
jenster1979: River view
jenster1979: Yeah right. :op
jenster1979: River view