steenbot: big dutch feet
steenbot: someone got an elephant ear, and is happy about it.
steenbot: the tedious labour of making pita bread.
steenbot: step up - the story of ali baba and th 40 thieves in dance form.
steenbot: inside the arab pavillion.
steenbot: summoning bird spirits
steenbot: really?
steenbot: hanging out at congo-kinshasa
steenbot: this was funny.
steenbot: my fortune!
steenbot: greek dancers.
steenbot: a viking ship in an oasis of heat.
steenbot: a couple suspect characters.
steenbot: in search of empanadas.
steenbot: empanada de queso.
steenbot: thai girls.
steenbot: the pleased face of one who just ate fried cheese pie.
steenbot: princess.
steenbot: chaos.
steenbot: corrie street!
steenbot: the dragon.
steenbot: hey look, it's frieda kahlo.
steenbot: one mexican man.
steenbot: giraffe peekabo.
steenbot: crafty.
steenbot: yes please.
steenbot: stilt people at the afrika tent.
steenbot: llamas!
steenbot: dancing chilean cowboy.
steenbot: throngs of people.