Jen*G: Blowing up Mountains sign, capital beyond.
Jen*G: organizers strategize
Jen*G: pep talk
Jen*G: Teri, Mickey, and Lisa plan the action
Jen*G: Teri, Mickey, and Lisa plan the action
Jen*G: Bev and Jason
Jen*G: IMG_1612
Jen*G: IMG_1613
Jen*G: Jen, Rick, Bev, Silas, Jason, and Anthony
Jen*G: IMG_1616
Jen*G: IMG_1619
Jen*G: IMG_1621
Jen*G: Jail support forms, yay.
Jen*G: Theater troupe
Jen*G: Theater troupe
Jen*G: Theater troupe
Jen*G: Theater troupe
Jen*G: the Kentucky contingent leads the march
Jen*G: the Kentucky contingent leads the march
Jen*G: Bev
Jen*G: Native American drumming
Jen*G: Native American drumming
Jen*G: the march
Jen*G: at the EPA headquarters
Jen*G: at the EPA headquarters: Lisa Jackson, come out!
Jen*G: at the EPA headquarters
Jen*G: Teri on the move
Jen*G: the Washington Monument
Jen*G: Berea, KY folks and Carol Judy
Jen*G: Empassioned protesters