Jen*G: Self-portrait CU with Laurie Koh
Jen*G: Moonlight over Park City
Jen*G: Chateau, Park City
Jen*G: Invisible Threads exhibit at New Frontier, Sundance
Jen*G: Brotherhood cop car, parking garage, Park City
Jen*G: building at night, Park City
Jen*G: Legacy Lodge, site of Adobe Party at Sundance, 01.21.08
Jen*G: Jen and Arusha at the Queer Lounge
Jen*G: Self-portrait with Laurie Koh, Sundance
Jen*G: Self-portrait in Daniel Rozin's "Snow Mirror"
Jen*G: Laurie Koh hams it up at CineVegas party, Sundance
Jen*G: rear view Chateau at night, Park City
Jen*G: baby tree in snow, Park City
Jen*G: Patti Smith speaking at screening of film about her, Sundance
Jen*G: Second Life screen and jeans being printed
Jen*G: A moose eats Laurie
Jen*G: Invisible Threads exhibit at New Frontier, Sundance
Jen*G: No parking on snow mound, Park City
Jen*G: CHIEF, Sundance Film Festival, Park City, UT 2008
Jen*G: Laurie Koh's warming hour, Slamdance lobby, Park City
Jen*G: Wading through the clutter of films, Slamdance, 2008
Jen*G: JenG saves Laurie Koh from aggressive moose, Park City, 2008
Jen*G: Laurie Koh befriending moose, Park City
Jen*G: Flying over Utah on way to Park City, Jan 08
Jen*G: Flying over Alameda, January 08