Jen*G: View from hotel, Chicago Aug 07
Jen*G: Lightning struck, Chicago August 07
Jen*G: Rugby nuts on the pitch, Champaign, IL
Jen*G: Rugger in training
Jen*G: Kathy, Jerry, and tile display
Jen*G: Jerry, Kathy, Ken
Jen*G: tile display, evl, UIC chicago
Jen*G: Tile display #102
Jen*G: Tile display # 430
Jen*G: MacArthur, One World, BAVC
Jen*G: Leigh tells all
Jen*G: Tile display #267
Jen*G: Jason Leigh, E.D., EVL, UIC
Jen*G: View-find-her
Jen*G: BAVC in tile display at EVL, UIC
Jen*G: Official letter that won't get you no discount
Jen*G: pavement rock
Jen*G: the club before the storm
Jen*G: Light like fiber
Jen*G: 2 Chicago Dogs
Jen*G: Hurricane Cajun Martini Fall Off the Porch Iced Tea
Jen*G: Lights going down on Chi-town jazz
Jen*G: Chicago Huh?
Jen*G: Jen and Rachel at the video fountain, Chicago
Jen*G: Group in Chicago
Jen*G: Ken at the Electronic Visualization Lab, UIC
Jen*G: Joaquin and BAVC/INGI teams at UIC's Electronic Visualization Lab