Jen*G: View-find-her
Jen*G: pavement rock
Jen*G: Light like fiber
Jen*G: Hurricane Cajun Martini Fall Off the Porch Iced Tea
Jen*G: Lights going down on Chi-town jazz
Jen*G: Lightning struck, Chicago August 07
Jen*G: View from hotel, Chicago Aug 07
Jen*G: Santa Cruz store, May 2005
Jen*G: Candy store, Santa Cruz, May 2005
Jen*G: Lighthouse from below, Santa Cruz, May 2005
Jen*G: Georgie's paw, 2004
Jen*G: my diorama from judy's party, 09.08.07
Jen*G: baby carrots
Jen*G: Gratuitous flower shot #356
Jen*G: Sunset from the BAVC roof
Jen*G: Open road through the Redwoods
Jen*G: Great combo, @ judy's bday tonight
Jen*G: Ground Zero, Clarksdale, MS, June '07
Jen*G: Mannequin at The Stacks, Como, MS
Jen*G: Department of Office Administration, 1954
Jen*G: The hearth in Como, Mississippi
Jen*G: What is she thinking?
Jen*G: Ground Zero curtains, Clarksdale, MS
Jen*G: Ground Zero Blues Club, Clarksdale, MS
Jen*G: Ground Zero, Clarksdale, MS
Jen*G: Curtain rave
Jen*G: Mannequin in Chinatown
Jen*G: Spencer the boom box
Jen*G: Gratuitous flower shot #4872
Jen*G: Wine