Jens Lambert Photography: How's this pose?
Jens Lambert Photography: Big Pond Little Duckling
Jens Lambert Photography: Attacking Bluejay
Jens Lambert Photography: Flying Bluejay
Jens Lambert Photography: Blue Jay Listening
Jens Lambert Photography: Spotted Towhee
Jens Lambert Photography: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Jens Lambert Photography: House Sparrow (female)
Jens Lambert Photography: Cardinal (at last)
Jens Lambert Photography: Sunday Morning Smile
Jens Lambert Photography: Up Up and Away
Jens Lambert Photography: Piercing Yellow Eyes
Jens Lambert Photography: Blue Jay in yard
Jens Lambert Photography: This is as close as I am getting.
Jens Lambert Photography: Fine Have the Yard
Jens Lambert Photography: Merry Christmas
Jens Lambert Photography: Natures twists and curves
Jens Lambert Photography: You wouldn't dare
Jens Lambert Photography: Up up and away