jensect: funtastic!
jensect: across the midway
jensect: new sculpture
jensect: new sculpture
jensect: new sculpture
jensect: stadium
jensect: state park map
jensect: parks and recreation!
jensect: parks and recreation!
jensect: noble plaster chicken
jensect: read the sign!
jensect: inside the poultry barn
jensect: poultry barn window
jensect: poultry barn window
jensect: noble plaster chicken
jensect: noble plaster chicken
jensect: souvenirs
jensect: dumpster number nine
jensect: dumpster number nine
jensect: goaty
jensect: two of the five or so impossibly long lines for ice cream
jensect: getting closer...
jensect: victory!
jensect: they are the "same"
jensect: this seems crazy to me
jensect: coleus
jensect: hyacinth beans
jensect: hyacinth beans
jensect: bees love it
jensect: gallardia