jensect: picked up at lib.
jensect: sign
jensect: on the way to nw library
jensect: by the library
jensect: central library
jensect: north portland
jensect: central library
jensect: bricks and leaves
jensect: North Portland Branch
jensect: halfway done
jensect: reference, etc.
jensect: library swag
jensect: DVDs from the library
jensect: the reckoning
jensect: more books
jensect: oh, library
jensect: cryptic message
jensect: if he's dead, how come he keeps painting everywhere?
jensect: on the way to the library
jensect: reading sign
jensect: put them here
jensect: Hollywood branch reflection
jensect: hollywood library
jensect: library sale swag
jensect: Friends of the library swag
jensect: library sign
jensect: county library
jensect: library door
jensect: carnegie library
jensect: carnegie library at port townsend