jensect: sequins
jensect: top of bolt
jensect: magpie favorite
jensect: fancy fabric
jensect: blurry, but I love the color
jensect: sequin swirls
jensect: vintage hawaiian fabric
jensect: I hate ironing
jensect: reds
jensect: no, really. you need my advice
jensect: red spangle
jensect: vintage hawaiian fabric
jensect: vintage hawaiian fabric
jensect: loves to help
jensect: fabric depot
jensect: fabric left over
jensect: that plaid fabric is so hideous!
jensect: the new fabric
jensect: old Old fabric
jensect: 6 yards, 8 cushions
jensect: those are some short shorts
jensect: vintage circus
jensect: flowered dress
jensect: orange and blue
jensect: sunny for 5 minutes
jensect: after!
jensect: before
jensect: new project