jensect: echo church
jensect: echo memorial cemetery
jensect: echo
jensect: cozy room architecture
jensect: cozy rooms
jensect: purple light underground
jensect: under ground window
jensect: Hot Lake sign
jensect: say, is that lake hot?
jensect: Union Hotel
jensect: Union Hotel
jensect: Union Hotel (side view)
jensect: in the parlor
jensect: stairway corner piece
jensect: down the hall of the Union Hotel
jensect: Union's Carnegie Library
jensect: Union General Store
jensect: in the gazebo
jensect: red door
jensect: red door
jensect: Watsons
jensect: Hot Lake
jensect: Hot Lake
jensect: steam rising
jensect: steam
jensect: Hot Lake
jensect: Elgin City Hall/ Opera House/ Historical Society
jensect: between elgin and joseph
jensect: smokey bear
jensect: DSCN0355