jensect: lamps in Eugene look a lot like lamps in pdx
jensect: lamp
jensect: square lamp
jensect: lighting the dark
jensect: yellow lamp
jensect: lamp trying to melt the ice
jensect: night light and spooky trees
jensect: night light
jensect: lantern
jensect: DSCN0912.JPG
jensect: crown point sunset
jensect: crown point sunset
jensect: crown point sunset
jensect: lamppost
jensect: old columbia highway
jensect: the red lamp
jensect: the red lamp
jensect: the red lamp
jensect: crown point sunset
jensect: crown point sunset
jensect: crown point sunset
jensect: crown point sunset
jensect: crown point sunset
jensect: crown point sunset
jensect: crown point sunset
jensect: crown point sunset
jensect: crown point sunset
jensect: crown point sunset
jensect: crown point sunset
jensect: crown point sunset