jenofdiamond: Farm Along River
jenofdiamond: Rusted Farm Equipment
jenofdiamond: Rusted Farm Equipment Detail
jenofdiamond: Reclamation
jenofdiamond: Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie
jenofdiamond: Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie
jenofdiamond: Old Post with Barbed-wire
jenofdiamond: Barbed-wire
jenofdiamond: Old Post with Barbed-wire
jenofdiamond: Untitled
jenofdiamond: Weldon Springs State Park I
jenofdiamond: Weldon Springs State Park II
jenofdiamond: Weldon Springs State Park III
jenofdiamond: Weldon Springs State Park IV
jenofdiamond: Weldon Springs State Park V
jenofdiamond: Weldon Springs State Park VI
jenofdiamond: Weldon Springs State Park VII
jenofdiamond: Weldon Springs State Park VIII
jenofdiamond: Weldon Springs State Park VIIII
jenofdiamond: Weldon Springs State Park X
jenofdiamond: Weldon Springs State Park XI