jenofdiamond: mantis III
jenofdiamond: mantis II
jenofdiamond: mantis VIIII
jenofdiamond: mantis VII
jenofdiamond: mantis VI
jenofdiamond: Mantis
jenofdiamond: Mantis
jenofdiamond: Look Deep Into My Eyes @@ -You Are Getting Sleepy
jenofdiamond: Mantis
jenofdiamond: Breakfast of Champions
jenofdiamond: Mantis Eating a Spider
jenofdiamond: How Cute Am I!?
jenofdiamond: Green Goddess
jenofdiamond: It's Impolite To Watch Someone Eat!
jenofdiamond: Closeup of Hanging Mantis
jenofdiamond: Just Hanging Around at Midewin
jenofdiamond: Mantis
jenofdiamond: Mantis
jenofdiamond: Mantis
jenofdiamond: Mating Mantids III (may not be suitable for younger viewers)
jenofdiamond: Mating Mantids I (may not be suitable for younger viewers)
jenofdiamond: Mantis Tenodera
jenofdiamond: Mantis
jenofdiamond: Mantis
jenofdiamond: Surveying A New World
jenofdiamond: Mantis Newbie
jenofdiamond: Mantis, Just Hangin' Out
jenofdiamond: Young Mantis
jenofdiamond: Preening The Antennae