Jared Enos: Wing Commander W.G. Leer of the R.A.A.F. poses in front of his caricature, Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea, August 1, 1943.
Jared Enos: The crew of B-29 Superfortress 42-24598 "Waddy's Wagon", 20th Air Force, 73rd Bomb Wing, 497th Bomb Group, 869th Bomb Squadron.
Jared Enos: First Lieutenant Merril F. McLane, Corporal Howard L. Cox, and "Motobu", Okinawa, 1945
Jared Enos: Discharged Japanese soldiers crowd trains as they take advantage of free transportation to their homes after end of World War II in Hiroshima, Japan. September, 1945
Jared Enos: A breeches buoy is put into service to transfer from a U.S. destroyer to a cruiser survivors of a ship, November 14, 1942 which had been sunk in naval action against the Japanese off the Santa Cruz Islands in the South pacific on October 26. The American
Jared Enos: Private First Class Rez P. Hester, 7th War Dog Platoon, 25th Regiment, takes a nap while Butch, his war dog, stands guard. Iwo Jima, February 1945
Jared Enos: A squad leader points out a suspected Japanese position at edge of Baleta Pass, near Baugio, Luzon, P.I., where troops of the 25th Inf. Div. are in fierce combat with the enemy. 23 March 1945
Jared Enos: US Marines speed toward the beaches of Iwo Jima in LVTs, February 19, 1945.
Jared Enos: "Armored amphibious tractors of a Marine battalion form into line as the first waves of the Leatherneck invaders commence the charge for the beach at Okinawa." April 1, 1945.
Jared Enos: A Marine flamethrower operator moves forward to assault a Japanese pillbox on Motoyama Airfield, ca. Feb-Mar 1945.
Jared Enos: Two Marines take cover in shell hole on Saipain, June, 1944.
Jared Enos: Two US Marines of the 4th Marine Division stand atop Mt. Suribachi, overlooking the remainder of Iwo Jima, part of which is still held by the Japanese. ca. Feb-Mar 1945
Jared Enos: A Marine M4A3R3 flame-throwing tank goes into action, along with Marine snipers, as the battle for the possession of Iwo Jima rages on, March 1945
Jared Enos: US Marine watches as Japanese forces are shelled on Iwo Jima, ca. Feb-Mar 1945.
Jared Enos: A wounded Marine of the 1st Marine Division, while he waits for the stretcher bearers to come for him, is given a drink of water from the canteen of a buddy while the Marines fight the enemy in rough country on Peleliu Island.
Jared Enos: Marines Rescue a Wounded Buddy, Tarawa, November 1943
Jared Enos: Japanese soldiers climb out of rocks and bushes of Kerama-retto and into water to give themselves up to crew of picket boat, May, 1945.
Jared Enos: Seeadler Harbor in the Admiralties on 6 October 1944. This is the invasion fleet for Leyte, Philippines