Jennz World:
Dewdrops IMG_2057 crop
Jennz World:
Dewdrops IMG_2060 crop
Jennz World:
Dewdrops IMG_5476 crop
Jennz World:
Green Darner female Dragonfly IMG_2124
Jennz World:
Green Darner Dragonfly female ~ Anax junius IMG_2126
Jennz World:
Clover with dewdrops IMG_2132
Jennz World:
Dewdrop IMG_2098 c
Jennz World:
Dragonfly with dewdrops IMG_2130 c
Jennz World:
Dragonfly with dewdrops IMG_2134 c
Jennz World:
Dragonfly with dewdrops IMG_2134 cp
Jennz World:
Dewdrop IMG_2139 c
Jennz World:
Damselfly with dewdrops IMG_2157pshp
Jennz World:
White-faced Meadowhawk male Dragonfly with dewdrops IMG_2289c
Jennz World:
White-faced Meadowhawk male - Blowing Bubbles IMG_2277c
Jennz World:
Grasshopper in the morning dew I IMG_2251c
Jennz World:
Morning Dew bejewelled cricket IMG_2241c
Jennz World:
Grasshopper in the morning dew II IMG_2254
Jennz World:
Caterpillar with dewdrops IMG_2321
Jennz World:
Foxtail with morning dew IMG_2266c
Jennz World:
Spreadwing IMG_2301c
Jennz World:
Breakfast IMG_2314c
Jennz World:
White=faced Meadowhawk male Dragonfly with dewdrops IMG_2286
Jennz World:
Nature's work IMG_2593
Jennz World:
Sunrise dewdrops IMG_2579
Jennz World:
Dewdrops on nodding onion IMG_2452 c
Jennz World:
Dewdrops on lobelia IMG_2458
Jennz World:
Dewdrops IMG_2588 c
Jennz World:
Dewdrops on nodding onion IMG_2451
Jennz World:
Dewdrops on Snapdragon IMG_2443 mrs r
Jennz World:
Dewdrops on rose petals IMG_2422