jennyhsu47: Three-dimensional carving big dragon stone column--立體雕刻的巨龍石柱02
jennyhsu47: Wall relief using the fruit and camellia represents propitiously pleasant--水果茶花代表吉祥如意
jennyhsu47: Three-dimensional carves implores the woman to birth safely--立體雕刻出祈求婦人生產平安
jennyhsu47: The three-dimensional woodcarving brush to resplendent in gold and jade roof--立體木雕出金碧輝煌的屋頂
jennyhsu47: Outside front door's stone column great vulture--大門外的石柱巨雕
jennyhsu47: Left side gate female gate god--左邊門的女門神
jennyhsu47: Consecrates numerous of gods --供奉的神祇們
jennyhsu47: the roof of dragon--屋頂上的龍
jennyhsu47: The one of Four big Jin'gang gate gods-四大金剛之一
jennyhsu47: Colored carving eighteen lohans --彩色雕刻十八羅漢尊者
jennyhsu47: Colorful and solid carving big dragon stone column--彩色立體雕刻巨龍石柱
jennyhsu47: Wall three-dimensional carving horses and Kylins symble the enterprise is good --牆壁立體雕刻馬和麒麟事業順利
jennyhsu47: Blesses the palace--慈祐宮
jennyhsu47: Decorative lantern the little fish and tiger symble the enterprise everwhere and strong --花燈小魚和老虎表示事業拓展海外並且強勝
jennyhsu47: left corn including Deceased Teacher of Confucius, Tai shang dao jun, Shijiamounifu Budda and middle corn are Three Guan Dadi—左邊角落為 至聖先師孔夫子. 太上道君. 釋迦牟尼 中間為三關大帝01
jennyhsu47: left corn including Deceased Teacher of Confucius, Tai shang dao jun, Shijiamounifu Budda and middle corn are Three Guan Dadi—左邊角落為 至聖先師孔夫子. 太上道君. 釋迦牟尼 中間為三關大帝02
jennyhsu47: Emperor Shen Nong--神農大帝
jennyhsu47: the Year of the Ox has about the year decorative lantern--牛年 有關於年的花燈01
jennyhsu47: Fine carving porch column--精緻雕刻的廊柱
jennyhsu47: the Year of the Ox has about the year decorative lantern--牛年 有關於年的花燈02
jennyhsu47: East China Sea Dragon King--東海龍王
jennyhsu47: Outside buildingof Diety窗樓外的天神
jennyhsu47: left corn including Deceased Teacher of Confucius, Tai shang dao jun, Shijiamounifu Budda and middle corn are Three Guan Dadi—左邊角落為 至聖先師孔夫子. 太上道君. 釋迦牟尼 中間為三關大帝03
jennyhsu47: Inner temple--寺廟內部
jennyhsu47: person red idol person who hears distant voices--紅色神像順風耳
jennyhsu47: Left auxiliary will be Dragon Gate--左輔是龍門
jennyhsu47: temple outward appearance--寺廟的外觀
jennyhsu47: Three-dimensional carving big dragon stone column--立體雕刻的巨龍石柱01
jennyhsu47: Wall relief using white great elephant and the Manchurian crane implores safely.-- 牆壁浮雕藉由白色巨象. 仙鶴來祈求平安
jennyhsu47: Resplendent in gold and jade roof colorful and luster decorative lantern--金碧輝煌的屋頂 色澤豔麗的花燈