Jenny's Photos & Sketches: A sea turtle is born!
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Green Turtle hatchling
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Inside a turtle egg
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Please don't eat turtles!
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Chasing after jellyfish
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Swimming in the dark
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Scurrying off to sea...
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Powerful flippers
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: A hook is stuck in sea turtle's jaw
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Victim of oil spill
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Sea Turtles munches on sea grass
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Sea turtle likes to relax
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Snorkel to see sea turtle
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Sea turtles in reproduction scene
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Escape route for sea turtles
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Sea turtle flippers are like wings!
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Tag along a sea turtle
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Types of sea turtles
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: One of Sea Turtle Predators
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Sea Turtle floating island
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Sea Turtle giant: Leatherback
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Sea turtle tracks
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Sea Turtles & friend
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Our Sea Turtles (2017)
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Our Sea Turtles (2017)
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Our Sea Turtles (2017)
Jenny's Photos & Sketches: Our Sea Turtles (2017)