Jenny♔Couture: Ella: Is he a witch?
Jenny♔Couture: Ella: Are you boys witches? And I AM NOT A POPPET! MY NAME IS ELLA!!!
Jenny♔Couture: Ella: Was she a witch?
Jenny♔Couture: Ella: Are witches buried here, Aunt Jenny?
Jenny♔Couture: Ella: So when does my mom get back?
Jenny♔Couture: Will you tell them to be quiet? I just missed my favorite part!
Jenny♔Couture: The Culprits!
Jenny♔Couture: These bunnies are SO loud!
Jenny♔Couture: Ella: Shhh you silly buns, I can't hear the movie!
Jenny♔Couture: Ella wanted to say goodnight to her mom.
Jenny♔Couture: Ella: I put my clothes for tomorrow on, so that I can be all ready in the morning.
Jenny♔Couture: 2 Ella: I rescued these shoes from your mailman.
Jenny♔Couture: 3 Ella: See. Can you hear them fluttering?
Jenny♔Couture: 1 Ella: Where have you been all day, Missy?
Jenny♔Couture: That doesn't look like an egg...
Jenny♔Couture: Can I send it to my mom?
Jenny♔Couture: Look I found a tomato.
Jenny♔Couture: Aren't you going to do anything? Poop is gross.
Jenny♔Couture: That dog is pooping in Nana's garden!
Jenny♔Couture: Umm there is a critter over there.
Jenny♔Couture: But he found her and tried to kiss her.
Jenny♔Couture: So I put Ella up her, cause I thought she would be safe
Jenny♔Couture: Ella: And, Aunt Jenny? Do you think you could change my outfit today?
Jenny♔Couture: Ella: That girl looks kind of eeeevil.
Jenny♔Couture: 3 Uh uh! No way! I learned my lesson with that funny juice at the chateau place!
Jenny♔Couture: 2 Ella sniffs the martini
Jenny♔Couture: 1 Your mom said she made us martinis.
Jenny♔Couture: Ella lalalala Ella
Jenny♔Couture: Ella: Look I can wiggle my nose!