Jenny Sperry: photo-1
Jenny Sperry: Sharon
Jenny Sperry: Rachel and Jenny left handed
Jenny Sperry: Terry playing the oboe at church
Jenny Sperry: Sharon
Jenny Sperry: Rachel
Jenny Sperry: Dec 27 friends and family, Laurie, Kayla, Paul, Paul, Rachel
Jenny Sperry: Acrylic abstract of darters
Jenny Sperry: Terry's tale part 1, 3 am
Jenny Sperry: Robert the Turtle
Jenny Sperry: Sharon
Jenny Sperry: Me and older darter
Jenny Sperry: Graduation Day
Jenny Sperry: Rs summertime
Jenny Sperry: Jenny and Sharon awhile back
Jenny Sperry: Ter playing scrabble
Jenny Sperry: The girls
Jenny Sperry: Queen Sharon
Jenny Sperry: Sharon