Jenny Hart: Dolly Parton (Blue Dolly), 2003, collection of Kevin Leonard
Jenny Hart: Iggy Pop, 2004, Arkansas Arts Center Foundation Collection
Jenny Hart: Marianne Faithfull, 2005, collection of David Yamada
Jenny Hart: Piaf, 2002, collection of Janet Joseph
Jenny Hart: The White Stripes, 2003, collection of Mike Schuba
Jenny Hart: Dirty Face, Crowning Glory, 2003, collection of Dan Ferrara
Jenny Hart: Girl With Japanese Clouds, 2005, collection of Sasha Emerson
Jenny Hart: Luck 1972, 2002, collection of Maya Rudolph
Jenny Hart: Pink Forest, 2005, collection of the artist
Jenny Hart: Pink Forest (detail), 2005, collection of the artist
Jenny Hart: Pink Forest (detail), 2005, collection of the artist
Jenny Hart: Oh Unicorn, 2005, collection of the artist
Jenny Hart: Braille Pillow, 2007, collection of the artist
Jenny Hart: St. John the Baptist (Jordan Lee), 2009, whereabouts UNKNOWN
Jenny Hart: This Work Never Ends, 2002, private collection