jennkr: but keep the old...
jennkr: oopsies
jennkr: thirsty at the Smithsonian
jennkr: Washington
jennkr: off to see TJ
jennkr: almost cherry blossoms...
jennkr: hello, Mr. Jefferson
jennkr: reading the words
jennkr: tired shrewmies
jennkr: la capital
jennkr: la gorilla
jennkr: bird
jennkr: han-hawk
jennkr: Hanny on the mall
jennkr: Lisa with some learning material
jennkr: home base for the weekend
jennkr: happy
jennkr: like old times
jennkr: dinosaur request fulfilled
jennkr: back in the district
jennkr: wahoos should go to the Jefferson Memorial
jennkr: Washington Monument
jennkr: end of day destination
jennkr: hello, Mr. Jefferson
jennkr: my girls
jennkr: back as a tourist
jennkr: gorilla, taking it in
jennkr: lemon zest
jennkr: shrewmies at dinner
jennkr: snow peas and mushrooms