jennkr: future chocolate cake
jennkr: nerd-filled Christmas Eve
jennkr: family portrait
jennkr: Have a nice day
jennkr: many mouths to feed
jennkr: chocolate cake
jennkr: back in my day...
jennkr: morning lights
jennkr: Merry Christmas!
jennkr: Christmas roses
jennkr: just like Grandmother's biscuits!
jennkr: snow boots
jennkr: white-ish Christmas
jennkr: an example of the kind of ornament my dad likes to get me
jennkr: a little white blanket
jennkr: kiddie fashion
jennkr: hair
jennkr: gray skies, gray eyes
jennkr: she's like one of those unhappy people in old photos
jennkr: swing high
jennkr: me and SB, glad to be outside
jennkr: getting me back
jennkr: hugs