jennifrog: 5 Months after chemo
jennifrog: And the hair is gone!
jennifrog: 1 month after chemo
jennifrog: The Buddhist Monk!
jennifrog: Bald!
jennifrog: 2 months after chemo
jennifrog: A huge variety of corn is grown in Peru.
jennifrog: 3 months after chemo
jennifrog: At Redfern Station
jennifrog: Hanging out in our garden
jennifrog: 5 months after chemo
jennifrog: Two baldies
jennifrog: 9 and a half months after chemo
jennifrog: Even Shorter Hair!
jennifrog: Scary
jennifrog: Baldies out for a walk in the park...
jennifrog: On the top of the harbour bridge!
jennifrog: Tryin out my scarf ...
jennifrog: Large depth of field - sugar cane
jennifrog: Bacon Sarnie at the Organic Market
jennifrog: Baldies
jennifrog: Hee hee
jennifrog: Evidence that she still helps around the house...
jennifrog: 7 and a half months after chemo
jennifrog: In hospital with Neutropenia
jennifrog: Sore eyes
jennifrog: Even Shorter Hair!
jennifrog: Baldies out for a walk in the park
jennifrog: Escape hospital to the pub!
jennifrog: At Marrickville Organic Market