jennifrog: At the start of the walk
jennifrog: At the start of the walk
jennifrog: Dubbo Gully to Ten Mile Hollow Campground
jennifrog: Fairview Homestead
jennifrog: Making morning coffee at Fairview
jennifrog: Morning coffee... Taking in the view
jennifrog: Morning coffee break
jennifrog: Making coffee
jennifrog: Freshly brewed morning coffee at Fairview
jennifrog: Checking the map...
jennifrog: Simpsons Track, Dharug National Park
jennifrog: Dubbo Gully to Ten Mile Hollow Campground
jennifrog: Arrived at Ten Mile Hollow Campground
jennifrog: Setting the tent up
jennifrog: Taking a breather while setting the tent up
jennifrog: The new tent's first outing!
jennifrog: The new tent!
jennifrog: Proud of the new tent and awning
jennifrog: Man make fire
jennifrog: Man make fire
jennifrog: Cuppa tea after setting up camp
jennifrog: Aah nice cup of wine in the middle of nowhere!
jennifrog: Dinner time
jennifrog: Clares bridge... Not so passable these days
jennifrog: Old wooden bridge
jennifrog: On the way back
jennifrog: Smiling in the sun
jennifrog: Old wooden bridge