jennifrog: At the start - Looking fresh!
jennifrog: Nick & Angela
jennifrog: Tom & Davey
jennifrog: Davey & Jen
jennifrog: Jen & Angela
jennifrog: The Boys!
jennifrog: Off we go!
jennifrog: Yay for hiking!
jennifrog: At the beginning of the costal walk
jennifrog: Awwww
jennifrog: Nice spot to stop for a snack
jennifrog: I've seem worse views
jennifrog: Drink and a rest
jennifrog: The coast
jennifrog: Starting to feel a bit tired now
jennifrog: Noice
jennifrog: Burning Palms
jennifrog: Burning Palms Beach Through the Trees
jennifrog: Beach!
jennifrog: Starting to really feel it now....
jennifrog: Bleh!
jennifrog: Off again!
jennifrog: Retaining wall built from bottles.
jennifrog: Thistle!
jennifrog: Finally arrived to make camp!
jennifrog: Chillin out but the sun is hot hot hot!
jennifrog: Feeling chuffed with our makeshift shelter!
jennifrog: Yay for shelter from the sun!
jennifrog: Chillin
jennifrog: Beautiful clear sky