jennifrog: Burying the conduit
jennifrog: Burying the conduit
jennifrog: Painting on the waterproof membrane
jennifrog: Painting on the undercoat
jennifrog: Painting on the undercoat
jennifrog: Painting on the undercoat
jennifrog: Painting on the undercoat
jennifrog: Painting on the undercoat
jennifrog: Painting on the undercoat
jennifrog: Painting on the undercoat
jennifrog: Painting on the undercoat
jennifrog: Steve & Tom help with the painting
jennifrog: Tom on a wall!!
jennifrog: Steve with the big hairy roller
jennifrog: Everyone hard at work
jennifrog: Tom hard at work
jennifrog: Painting...
jennifrog: Steve hard at work
jennifrog: Dave & Steve making sure Tom's working hard
jennifrog: The lights get installed... Starting to come together!
jennifrog: The lights get installed... Starting to come together!
jennifrog: Things are happening in the garden!
jennifrog: Preparing the bed for the plants
jennifrog: Setting out the plants
jennifrog: Laying the pebbles down
jennifrog: Halfway through laying the pebbles!
jennifrog: The finished product!
jennifrog: The finished product!
jennifrog: Wall art
jennifrog: Agave in pots