jentomaloff: RBSRA bike ride: service road
jentomaloff: RBSRA bike ride: view of a pond
jentomaloff: RBSRA: feather in my tree
jentomaloff: RBSRA: buckshot bike trail?
jentomaloff: RBSRA: bike ride - nighttime amphitheater
jentomaloff: RBSRA: Wolf Lake
jentomaloff: RBSRA: Wolf Lake
jentomaloff: RBSRA: Wolf Lake
jentomaloff: American Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana): "Nocturnal predators, they will ambush and eat just about anything they can fit in their ample mouths, including insects, mice, fish, birds, and snakes."
jentomaloff: I cannot wait to go hiking today. ♥
jentomaloff: RBSRA: Blue Skies
jentomaloff: Great Egret [Ardea alba]
jentomaloff: RBSRA Wisconsin October
jentomaloff: RBSRA Wisconsin October
jentomaloff: DON'T TOUCH IT! Bald-faced Hornet Nest.