Miss Mazeppa: Stinky Man
Miss Mazeppa: Gimme!
Miss Mazeppa: "We've been given our parts in the nativity play. And I'm the lobster."
Miss Mazeppa: "The Lobster?"
Miss Mazeppa: "Yeah, first lobster."
Miss Mazeppa: "There was more than one lobster present at the birth of Jesus?"
Miss Mazeppa: "Duh."
Miss Mazeppa: The closest to halloween we got.
Miss Mazeppa: IMG_4213
Miss Mazeppa: Does anyone else want to smoosh him?
Miss Mazeppa: Come back to bed...
Miss Mazeppa: Cuddle Man
Miss Mazeppa: Stinky's Perch
Miss Mazeppa: Where'd you go?
Miss Mazeppa: Monkey Butt
Miss Mazeppa: Sometimes I want to squish Mighty so badly.
Miss Mazeppa: Burger Tug-of-war
Miss Mazeppa: Drop something, now.
Miss Mazeppa: Stinky makes a bed.
Miss Mazeppa: Tongue
Miss Mazeppa: Handsome Mighty Big Tongue
Miss Mazeppa: Help!!
Miss Mazeppa: Where he likes to be.