Jenn Allen: Michael Bayle at Yahoo! (Overture)
Jenn Allen: XBox 360 & Window Media Center Test Area
Jenn Allen: Michael and Michael at Microsoft and Yahoo!
Jenn Allen: MySpace Allen Hurff (Director of Engineering) and Reg from ZigTags
Jenn Allen: Me and Aber Whitcomb - CTO MySpace
Jenn Allen: Aber Whitcomb, CTO and Co-founder, Myspace
Jenn Allen: Myspace (announcing they are hiring - 80 people)
Jenn Allen: Me and Robert Scoble
Jenn Allen: Ami (Product, Microsoft) and Me
Jenn Allen: Adam Trachtenberg - eBay speaker
Jenn Allen: Adam (eBay) and the NorCal Microsoft evangelists - Anand 'A.I.' and Jas the boss
Jenn Allen: The last 10 minutes of internet access